Sunday, June 28, 2009

Michael Jackson death, just another reminder of the truth of God.

So this will be my first blog. Two reasons I chose this as the first.

1. I believe in God and wanted Him in my first blog.
Because since I have been young he has always been there for me thru the best and worst of who I was, am and will be and in the beginning was God So I believe he has, will and should be first.

2. The obvious tragic and surprising death of Michael Jackson.http://http//

So on with the connection. See as I heard the news of Michael's passing my mind instantly went to thoughts of Elvis Presley. And I guess depending on where your from, your upbringing, or which side of the war you were on.
You will either agree with the comparison or say something like " why you darn Yankee how dare you compar that thar girly man with ar beloved Elvis" relax there Jethro you'll get it in a minute. (I think)?
But my comparison is this no matter how famous, rich, important or what your gender, race, age, sexual preference, political party or religious belief is and just like it was written in the
We all have a time to die. Believers in creation have a good grip of this because we have some understanding or at least a story as to why this occurs. This ( among many others ) is a question I would pose to my evolutionist readers is if you can somewhat explain to me the big bang and how everything evolved from that. Explain to me why everything that evolved dies?
Now in closing I mean no disrespect to Michael Jackson fans if this blog seems to be misleading my intent is to simply inject my belief in God and his creation. And to me death is although not what God intended for us evidence of the truth of the scriptures. I also believe Michael and his wonderful musical talent is also evidence of the same but he just like all of us die. http://http//
Please feel free to comment and come back for more blogs on subjects like, Nascar season champ vs, chase champ this ain't football man! and Cursing, more proof of God? and many more to come.
"Theres a storm a comin a bloggerstorm",,

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