Monday, July 13, 2009

10 Tips to Living a Better Life

Boss complaining, the spouse is naggin, bills are due, bank accounts low, kids need new shoes, clothes, etc, etc, etc,,, prices are up 401k is shrinking, companies cutting back and so on and on it goes. Sounding familiar? With our Country at one of its worst times economically I'm sure this is becoming a more and more familiar scenario in homes across the nation.

And while I have no PHD, Professional License or Doctorate Degree. What I do have is a relationship with God Our Father and some life experience. Not as long as some and the same or longer than others. So while some of you over time have figured out ways of handling the stress and curves of everyday life ( your comments and helps are invited ). I wanted to write this Blog for those of you that find yourselves struggling to cope with getting by everyday in life.

Now these tips do come from a standpoint that God was, is and will forever be our Creator, Heavenly Father and Saviour who truly Loves each and everyone of us and is inviting us to ask him for help. And I base this on experience having tried every other method out there to cope with a life that wasn't begun with the best of tools for successful stress free living, Coming from a broken home, a period of non existent parenting, a childhood surrounded by drug and alcohol abuse, and a young adulthood of playing out the same scenario. And through it all I found that when I asked Him to. God came and helped me learn how to change the path of my life.

Now I'm not offering a get rich plan or some positive thinking method that will make your life all better. I'm just sharing some things I've learned that may help some.

  1. And this is probably the most important one. Pray! And this isn't just for those who believe and know how. Let me be clear on this because you may think I don't believe in that, I don't know how to, I don't live right, it's silly and a whole host of other things. But that is even more reason I say to try it. "I don't believe in God you say". I say have you tried to? A very simple question, but how do you believe or not believe in something you haven't tried. So try it just ask Him to show you if he is real. I say this because I don't believe because someone told me to or because my family taught me or some preacher told me. I asked Him to show me if He was true. And he did and when I find that things are piling up on me and the stress seems more than I can handle I pray. And when I do I almost always realize that my life situation isn't as bad as I thought.;&version=9;

  2. Don't try to handle it alone. If your married make sure your spouse is your best friend. If your not married rely on your best friend. If you don't have a best friend get one or get a spouse. The point is to find someone to share your situation with someone you can use tip 1 with, talk with, plan with, cry with, laugh with, live with or just sit with. The important thing is don't let your problems be your only companions they will always be bigger than you.

  3. And this is for Married couples don't argue over $$$$$! In fact arguing over anything never solves a problem. Now I know it's in us all to do this especially when were frustrated but it is actually the worse thing we could do. In studies the top two reasons given for divorce is Poor Communication( arguing ) and Financial Problems and it's kinda clear the two combined well could lead to even worse problems than you began with. Again this is why tip 2 is so important. Your spouse should be your best friend!

  4. Laugh. Most of us have heard the statistics on what laughter can do for us physically and mentally. So try it instead of watching the news or horror movies watch Comedy central get a book of jokes at the library and share them. Don't try to be so grown up all the time. Read this study done at Harvard.

  5. Help someone in need. Why this may seem like it would just add to pressures you already face. I've found it has the opposite effect. And there are many ways to do this it doesn't matter what your financial, physical, mental, travel or time situation is. It may be mowing an older neighbors grass, giving a few dollars to someone or a charity, calling a family member or friend. But the rewards of being able to make someone Else's life a little better can be a real boost to ones mental state. Cause no matter how bad your life may seem if you look around there is always someone who has it worse. And I've always found it's seems to have a circle effect.

  6. Consider your Career. And this in these times may seem like a hard one. But when you take into account how much of our lives we spend at work. It only makes sense that if your doing something you have no passion for and it's the big percent of your life then your going to be in a frustrated situation. So look at all your options maybe it means going to school, look into getting financial aid or sponsored training right now is actually a good time for that.

  7. Nature. And this may be more on a personal note. But I've found that sometimes when I'm stressed the most nothing can be better than simply taking in all the Beautiful living things around us. Whether it's just sitting in my yard watching the birds or going to a lake or favorite fishing hole walking to your local park, going camping with the family. There is just something peaceful about being outdoors even if it's just a few minutes everyday. And it can be almost totally free.

  8. Have a Hobby. If you don't have one or put one on the back burner find something you like to do something you are passionate about and make it enjoyable. Note if your hobby consumes all your time, interferes with your relationship with others, endangers your life or puts you in debt it isn't a hobby anymore it's become and obsession and that = stress. So make sure your hobby stays a hobby.

  9. Rest. Try to take as much time as you can to let your body reboot. Your brain, body and your vital organs are not made to run all the time. Just like a piece machinery or a computer for example needs a time to cool off or clear out the mass of data it's built up to keep from getting sluggish or overheated which could lead to terminal failure( loss of life ). Our bodies are the same and I don't care who you are or what your situation is. No job, amount of money, addiction, obsession or whatever it may be is worth terminal failure. So take time to rest or get help.

  10. A positive environment. And by this I don't just mean location. This can include the things you watch, listen to, read, where you hang out at and who your around. But the saying is true we are what we eat. If you listen to depressing or angry music you'll probably be depressed and angry. If you watch to much news you'll also probably be depressed and angry. Try some Christian music. Or read some Psalms. But try to keep the things you take in positive and enjoy your life!

Now there are many other things one can do. But the bottom line is this Life is too short to spend it stressed or depressed or in a mess. So try to find away to Enjoy Living Every Minute you can and keep in mind the things you thought you couldn't deal with yesterday you did. Keep looking up!

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